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An in-depth brief led to rebranding the hospital less as a simple neighborhood place to have a baby, into the cutting-edge, serious-care medical center that it had become. The existing look was soft: a palette of muted pastels, serif typeface, lots of white space, and big images of caring hands silhouetted and feathered. So it was very enjoyable to bring the system into a new universe, not least because the hospital truly was doing some amazing things. After initial concepts and rounds, client was ready to proceed with this look. The new collateral system was carefully crafted, using enough colors, elements, and typography styles to work with client's many service lines, subjects, and types of content, while keeping cohesiveness extremely tight. Everyone was very happy with the outcome. And, a wall-rack display of it at the hospital brought our agency a good new unsolicited client.

  • Created a bold new color palette

  • Suggested and led search for new primary font (Neue Sans)

  • Designed layout templates for 3 basic sizes, with options for z-fold, roll-fold, and booklets

  • Led team of designers in rollout of hundreds of brochures and booklets, as well as signage, DM, and other collateral

  • Was heavily involved with client in creating in-depth brand guidelines

  • The client needed a mix of imagery of wellness, technology, expertise and care, but to convey serious care we wanted tight and cohesive, not busy and random-looking. Using horizontal photo strips was part of the solution.


  • Use of full frame closeups — or "pattern" photos — sprinkled into the photo strips (and the monochromatic panel backgrounds) let us show technology as lush and colorful rather than cold, plain, and clinical. 

  • Emphasizing use of color for continuity within the photostrips, and for contrasting the entire strip against the surrounding panel colors to keep the look crisp and bright, with clear focal points.

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